For three consecutive years members of St Andrew’s First Aid Australia have made an annual pilgrimage to Papua New Guinea which sees our dedicated volunteers both trekking the Kokoda track and providing supplies, and detailed first aid education to those living in the area.
After noting the dire predicament that those along the track to get to hospital in a timely manner. The lack of a vehicle in the province is costing lives.
With this in mind we are launching 'Operation Kokoda Assist' which seeks to provide the underprivileged community of the Kokoda Track a Patient Transport Vehicle. This vehicle would ensure that injured persons would have a way in which to reach an appropriately equipped hospital to cater for their injuries. Our hope is to gain funding for this.
Historically we have provided the Papua New Guinea community with tailored First Aid Kits and training to see preventable injury and infection addressed at the onset and therefore avoid often more serious and sometimes deadly consequences if left untreated or poorly attended. However, during our visits, we have identified a need for patient transport between Kokoda Station and Popondetta. At present there is only one vehicle that serves the route, if this is not available or already attending to other areas, then the only option is taking a Public Motor Vehicle (PMV) along a very rough road in a space shared by others and with no medical support.
Any donation, however small is welcome and the larger the better.